
Rap album covers
Rap album covers

Baraka may have wanted to use the sideways cross’ symbolism to match the lion/liars natures inside mankind. While this may have been done for stylistic purposes, the choice could’ve been intentional. Lastly, the artwork band contains sideways crosses. At the top of the crown’s peak ridge, there is a mic, and below it on the crown band is the 116 logo. The flaming crown, which signifies how God has made us all kings, has two minor details. The lion/Baraka face split is to show off the two natures of man they can be, a lion of God or a deceitful sinner. There’s a lot to uncover in this cover, which is why it’s so great. Lions and Liars is a great project, but its album cover might outshine it. While it’s not the prettiest, it is certainly one of the genre’s most classic album covers. It and lighting of the photo are situated to show that the Bible is the source of light being cast onto the rappers. The most prominent part of this cover is the Bible. It harkens back to 1990s gang life, especially with the Gang Affiliated font and low-resolution photo.

rap album covers

This album is not only known for being a classic piece of music in Christian Rap, but also for its aggressive cover. Truth is standing there, ready to give you his music and open himself up like an “open book.” Many consider this 2007 album to be a part of the golden era of Christian Rap, and this cover stands out with the best of the best. Along with those fashion elements, the genius of this cover is how simple it is. The cover shows off much of what was trending at the time with the baggy polo shirt and fancy calligraphy. While this is considered one of Truth’s best albums, it is also the first album cover that comes to mind when I personally think of him.

rap album covers

Shout out to Luc DiMarzio for helping with choosing these albums! 10. There are so many to chose from, so here are just 10 of Christian Rap’s most iconic and awesome album covers. We asked on our social media what is CHH’s best album cover of all time.

Rap album covers plus#

Christian Rap has many creative and beautiful album covers in its 30 plus year history. While the music is the most important part of an album, people can judge one like a book: by its cover.

Rap album covers